Star Wars VII Already Exceeded My Expectations

Star Wars FA

No matter what I see on screen tonight…Star Wars: The Force Awakens has already exceeded my expectations.

Yoda famously proclaimed, Do or do not, there is no try.

Disney, Jeffrey Abrams, they have chosen to Do! Many tried to spur George Lucas to move a new trilogy forward, and all failed.  Except Disney.

There has been an awakening…have you felt it!”  With this spine tingling introduction to the new trilogy a force was awakened in most of us.  A chilling voice, yet elegantly inspiring in its foreshadowing of what we hope will be dreams long unfulfilled.  The fulfillment of watching a Star Wars in the true spirit of the original.  A vision tarnished by the likes of Jar Jar Binks.

Most importantly, it will provide a first for my family.  The opportunity for us to experience a Star Wars event for the first time together.  All the Star Wars movies, cartoons, comics…it’s all been experienced individually before being shared with one or more of the group.

And this is a movie! A Star Wars movie! With Han, Chewy, R2-D2!!!!

My Star Wars journey began in 1977 as a 6-year old boy in Bend Oregon.  For my first-grade birthday party, I got nothing but Star Wars action figures and a landspeeder from my classmates.  I vividly remember grocery shopping at Safeway with my mom and there were giant bins of action figures for .99 to 1.99 each. I had an arsenal which was built upon in future years with introductions of more movies.  Each addition presented the chance to delve more into the saga with my cousins Caleb and Jake, and now my two boys.

For my boys, each of their journeys began during their pre-school years.  My war chest of Star Wars toys has become theirs as well as half the guest room.  The sharp pain of a decapitated Darth Vader or one-legged first generation Luke Skywalker isn’t as bad these days.  It could be worse, I could own a Jar Jar Binks doll.

Now gray and grizzled like my hero Han Solo, tonight I go as a fan.  A fan with the hope and wonderment of my younger 6-year old self.  Even better, I will be going with two other boys.  Luckily my wife will be present to keep us three youngsters in check.

A force has been awakened. A new hope inspired.

Thank you George Lucas for letting go of something so dear.

Thank you Jeffrey Abrams for taking lead.

Thank you Disney for investing in dreams.